Online display advertising is a great way for you to advertise your business. Not so long ago this form of advertising was reserved for businesses that were the largest brands and could spend thousands of dollars on advertising. This is not the case anymore, as this kind of advertising is now available to any business owner and a lot more affordable.
What is Online Display Advertising?
Display advertising has three main parts, for making it more successful.
- First, you have the creative piece. This means the actual Ad you make as your online display ad.
- Next, is the media buying piece, this means where you would like your Ad’s to be shown, and
- Lastly, it helps track who is clicking to get onto your website.
The creative part is the easiest of the three and usual a design team makes your actual Ad for you. You can choose between images that do not move or ones that are animated and flash. The most important quality of your online display is, it is well designed and has high quality. Once you have an Ad that you are happy with, the next thing you need to do is to find a place for putting your Ad. You can call up website hosts and ask if they would like to run your Ad to their site, you can advertise on a network such as Yahoo or AOL advertising, or bid on your own platforms like on Google Display Network. If you want to use an Ad server they host all banners and serve them out accordingly and keep track of all your clicks and visitors for a cost. This may be the easiest way to start out with online display advertising.
What are some online display ads that work?
Since this way of advertising is very popular you need to make sure that your Ad stands out above the rest. So when thinking about an Ad, you should think about the best offerings of your company and studies have shown the best online display Ads. Usually have one single image, a catchy headline, and a few words to describe your company Ad is the best way you can. Using a lot of colour, flashy media, video, and cute characters can also help your business stand out among the rest. You should work with your Ad team on different ideas, and may be even create a few ideas for different users. You could also add your online display advertisement to popular blogs of people who would be willing to get paid to have your Ad on their site. A lot of people go to the blogs and will see your flashy, exiting add with maybe with a sale offered and will click on it to check out your site.
Online display advertising is a great way to create traffic for your business website. Please take the time to make a great Ad and hopefully by doing this you will gain a lot more traffic on to your site.