Are you looking for new, creative ideas how to increase your revenues? Think about all those customers, who visited your website and left without completing the purchase. If you could convince them all to buy your products, your incomes would rise exponentially. While encouraging all of your online store visitors to buy from you might be impossible, there is a lot you can do to prevent shopping cart abandonment. And even if only a fraction of all prospected customers will change their minds and proceed with the purchase – you will immediately see the positive effect of your new strategies. Learn the best techniques for keeping your customers interested in your offer and apply them to your eCommerce business.
The more you buy, the less you pay
Customers love free shipping, but not all businesses can afford to bear the costs of shipping. If it is too much to you, set up a limit for paid shipping, above which all shipping is free. Convince your customers to buy more from you and save on the shipping costs. Add a special discount for large orders to encourage your customers to buy even more.
Those enticing coupons…
There is a group of customers, who respond very well to coupons and special deals. You can use the same strategy to encourage customers to return to the abandoned cart. Promise coupons to all unregistered users, who buy from you for the first time. Send emails to registered users with special coupons to use with their order and convince them to go back to the cart.
Your shopping cart is waiting for you
A good idea for dealing with the shopping cart abandonment is to apply solutions, which allow customers to save the content of their shopping carts and return to it any time they want during the next week or two. It is also an excellent opportunity for you to remind your customers that their chosen products are still in the shopping cart, ready to be bought. To do so you can send emails to all registered users, reminding them that the content of their shopping carts will soon expire. This strategy should be also effective with clients, who walked away from the computer or mobile device before paying for the order and forgot about it.
Ask for reasons for leaving and apply the best solutions
If you have already tried the following solutions or applied different strategies to keep the customers more interested in ordering products, but none of these techniques changed the shopping cart abandonment rates, it is time to do some research and learn what it is that your customers really want to change. Set up a survey and ask every customer, who leaves the shopping cart for reasons of the abandonment. Gather all the data and compare, looking for the most often mentioned reasons. Come up with your own strategies of dealing with the problem and use them to perform Magento custom development, adding useful features or changing the website design if necessary.
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Marta Gromadzka is a writer and editor with a wide variety of experience, including writing for websites internationally and editing books on many different subjects and in a variety of formats.